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been trying out lulu the last few days, reformatting my selfpublished novels to go over there from cafepress cause i'd be getting ISBN numbers for them. had to alter the original page sizes and reformat the covers--couldn't manage to get a pdf from a png properly which would have made "the empress of time" cover very unfortunately impossible and to a lesser degree the "clubhouse blues" cover (though i could have gotten around that one)--had to rework the covers a second time after the png/pdf issue, and only then learned of a long list of requirements for formatting and whatnot to get an isbn (not to mention i can't place the barcode, which kinda makes it hard to plan for my lemming drops studio logo on the backcover) and distribution (though there is a free option in distribution, the good ones seem to cost money)
and, i think there might have been a sentence in there when i started, but it got lost... as did i
anyway, while the novels will still be at cafepress, for now there will be no links to them at or anywhere else as i discovered some old formatting troubles i missed the first time (good thing i've not sold a significant number of copies) and i'll be fixing those and then all 3 books will be back, as will be a 4th
in theory